
Women spreading deadly E coli germs with handbags and smartphones

When you set your handbag down indoors – on your kitchen counter, on a coffee table or in a closet – you are carrying what scientists call “a major tote for microbes.” Prevention magazine reported “the worst place to set your handbag is the kitchen counter” after researchers swabs showed “up to 10,000 bacteria per square inch on purse bottoms;” while a third of women's bags “tested positive for fecal bacteria.” In turn, Prevention noted how “a woman's carryall gets parked in some nasty spots,” such as the floor of the bus, beneath the restaurant table, and even on the floor of a public bathroom.

In turn, women are advised by health experts to “put your bag in a drawer” or anywhere away from where food is being prepared or eaten. Also, don't let young children “touch” your handbag or smartphone that's been out in public, due to the same types of bacteria that's found on public toilet seats.

Exposure to germs at an all-time high, due to funky lifestyles

When women enter a bathroom stall and set down their handbag – without thinking about the germs waiting to catch a ride home with them – they usually take the middle stalls. That's not wise, states Prevention magazine that states “the worst stall to pick is the one in the middle.”

In turn, women are carrying all manner of ills from touching “germy toilet and bathroom handles,” and then from placing their handbags on the floor; while also texting and making calls while on the toilet.

“I hate to do it, but when I use a public ladies room I just go a bit nuts with the precautions one must take these days. I put my handbag on the hook and then take out antibacterial wet-wipes to cleanse the stall door, and then to wipe my iPhone after calling someone,” explains Jan, a Eugene local who said she's sick and tired of “getting stuff out in public.”

Moreover, Jan explains what while she's washing her hands after going to the bathroom she recites the song “Happy Birthday” to herself two times before stopping the washing of her hands.

“My friend is a nurse and she tells me that the number one thing I can do out in public is to ‘really' wash my hands after using a bathroom and before eating out. Funny, but I see a lot of hurried women these days that don't have a clue; they leave the stall texting or taking clearly on their phones while forgetting to wash their hands. It's gross,” Jan asserted.

Smartphones filthy dirty, called dangerous carriers of E coli bacteria

You're doing your business in a bathroom stall, and you overhear the person next to you talking on their cell phone; can you image them touching themselves and then touching their smartphone, asks a student here who said she's “grossed out.”

A new British study states that “one in every six cellphones is contaminated with fecal matter.” It's not news that both cellphones and smartphones contain fecal matter. After all, it's known that more than 96 percent of Americans own cell or smartphones and they touch both the phones and “other stuff” all throughout their day.

In fact, a college student here in Eugene says “I'm grossed out when in the ladies room and I overhear phone chat in the stalls. Can you image them touching themselves and then touching their phones and then shaking hands with someone.”

