
The women today were real worked up

I'm the only male teacher in my school. It's been that way through most of my career. And let me tell you, when the only male around is gay, the women let their hair down. They basically talk as though you aren't there.,nike air max shoes are the immortal Nike creation. I mean, occasionally they will be talking about their hot flashes, or menopause or....dear God not this topic again, Vaginal dryness, and then they'll glance over and see me there (spoon hovering half way to my mouth, look of shock on my face as my extremely visual mind is trying to NOT hear what they are saying) and I'll see this funny look flicker across their faces "Oh my God! I forgot there is a man in the room!" but then they remember it is me and they usually just continue on.

Because of this I have become very knowledgeable on many different subjects.Shop for Womens nike dunk high shoes, Lazy husbands and good for nothing men, menopause, feminine care products that are good, feminine care products that should be avoided (anything available in the school's vending machines, apparently, should be avoided at all cost-"scritchy" is one of the descriptive terms that have been used but I didn't ask for details) cute hair styles,,air jordan cheap shoes for sale at online jordan store. terrible new haircuts on a coworker or star in whatever People or US the person is looking at, that adult women should never wear Wednesday Adam braids, diets, children and fashion.

Today there was this very strange energy. Everyone had one thing they wanted to talk about and it was Michelle Obama. They discussed her hair (very cute and super glossy) her makeup (she looked flawless) her dress (they all LOVED it) her shoes, her beauty... but I could tell that these women had been moved. They were.women's high dunk high sneakers with patent...I don't know how to say it...energized on the same level. They were all beaming and it was similar to how a woman shines when she tells you something really cool that one of their kids did. And then they talked about her speech and, as the only dude and on the outside of the vibe that was going on, I sort of struggle to put what it means into words but I'll try.

I think the women bonded fiercely over Michelle Obama's speech last night. I've never seen them speak so highly of anyone before. I've never seen them so political. I think the battle cry has been raised and it was Michelle Obama who raised it. It is she that may well have galvanized many independent women to move, en masse, into full support of the President.

I struggle to give you the visual of what it felt like. A French painting of Mrs. Obama, twisting red flags held high above her head (with flawless makeup and cute hair), leading an army of women into a fiery red battle? An Olympic Mrs Obama sprinter tearing up the track and handing off the baton to the President with a ten second lead as the crowd roars in the background. You get my picture though.... the women in my building seemed to have experienced a shared bonding experience.

And pardon any sexist attitudes you might see in this. Of course the topics discussed in front of me also contain work, finances, highbrow art and science talks and every other topic available under the sun. But, as the only male teacher I stand by my claims that women like to talk about fashion, hair, makeup, menopause,cute guys and perky butts (at least some of the time). (and, to be fair, I joined the conversation twice, to point out the shoes were from J. Crew and that I liked that bouncy curl that kept flying away from her face. It was kicky and youthful, in my opinion).

