
Getting organized at home: Organizing shoes in the closet or bedroom

Shoes come in many colors, shapes, and sizes, but they all have one thing in common, they all come in pairs. Often we can find one shoe but we cannot find the other. Finding a pair of shoes can become a source of frustration but does not have to be. Organizing your shoes in the bedroom or closet can be fun and rewarding and eliminate the frustration of missing shoes. Even in the smallest space, places can be found to organize and store shoes.

When space is limited, it is best to have accessible only the shoes that you will be wearing in any given season. Unless you have an extraordinarily large amount of shoes, two groups of shoes should be sufficient for dividing.

Separate your summer shoes from your winter shoes. Shoes that are not being worn for a season can be easily stored in many different ways. An easy way to keep pairs of shoes together in the off season is to put them in zipper plastic bags. They come in all sizes. Find the size that works for the sizes that you are storing. You can store the shoes in many different boxes. Find the box that is the right size to tuck away in the top of a shelf or under the bed box. Make sure you measure the space, especially if you are planning to purchase a box for your shoes. Shoes that will not be worn for a season can be put away where they are not easily accessible.

